
Naturally, your website copy can directly influence your website visitor to make a purchase, sign up for your email list, or download a file. Did you know other website elements can also influence your visitors?

Check out these 8 website elements you can leverage to subconsciously influence your website visitors.

1. Your email signup form

Everything about your email signup form has the potential to subconsciously influence your visitors. For example, the placement of your form can influence immediate signups when presented in a pop-up delayed by several seconds.

There have been countless studies performed to find the ideal time delay for pop-ups, which you can read about on For example, the owner of found that a 60-second delay captured more emails than a delay of 45 or 75 seconds.

Another website owner found that a 7-second delay skyrocketed his conversion rate to 40%, but increased his bounce rate by 9.02%. Other metrics suffered as well: his visitor duration and pages per visit declined by 10% and 9% respectively.

Lead magnets generate more email signups

What are you offering in exchange for someone’s email address? Your offer can make or break your number of signups.

Most people won’t sign up for an email newsletter unless you present them with an irresistible offer. That offer is called a lead magnet.

A lead magnet is an ethical bribe that you offer to potential subscribers in exchange for their email address. It can be a PDF report, an eBook, a coupon, a video course, or anything else that’s valuable and relevant to your target audience.

Your headline will also directly influence how many signups you receive. Regardless of how amazing your offer is, you need to communicate that to your visitors. For instance, using the headline “sign up for our free newsletter” is boring. Instead, use a compelling headline to market your irresistible lead magnet.

Your headline should:

Be clear

Include a benefit

Use strong language

For example, “Get our free guide to increasing your web traffic/site visitors” is much better than “sign up for our newsletter.”

When it comes to choosing a lead magnet, you have a few options. You can offer:

A cheat sheet

A checklist

A mini-course or video training series

A template or resource guide

An e-book or white paper

lead magnets are one of the best ways to grow your email list. By offering something valuable in exchange for an email address, you can quickly increase the number of subscribers on your list. Plus, lead magnets can be used to segment your.

For example, “Find Out How Homeowners Are Saving Hundreds on Insurance” is a great headline for a lead magnet that will get you more signups. However, lead magnets need to live up to the hype. Make sure your lead magnet delivers on the promise in your headline and be sure to provide visitors with instant access to the promised content.

2. Your header image

What your visitors see when they land on your website can alter their perception of your brand identity and influence them to buy (or not). For example, if you have a giant stock photo on your home page, your brand will appear cheap to visitors.

If you change this to a high-quality, branded image that tells a story, you can improve your brand perception.

There is a time and place for stock photos, but keep them off of your home page. If you need a photo for your website’s homepage, commission a photographer or designer to create a custom image that conveys your desired message to your visitors. Stock photos will never fully represent your brand.

If you’re going to put an image in your website headers, make sure they serve purpose beyond aesthetics. Yes, you want your website to look good, but if you’re going to use valuable real estate, make it count.

3. Your color scheme

Color psychology is fascinating. If you haven’t looked into the way color subconsciously influences people, you’re missing out on a major opportunity to increase your conversions and sales.

But just because blue is a popular color for business websites, that doesn’t mean it’s the best color for your website. The best color scheme for your website is the one that aligns with your brand personality and objectives.

There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to choosing a color scheme. The main thing to focus is that your choice should be deliberate and purposeful. Consider your brand’s personality and what feeling you want to evoke in your visitors. Then, experiment with different color schemes until you find one that feels right for your business.

For example, blue is considered a trustworthy color that communicates loyalty and integrity. According to, blue feels peaceful, tranquil, and orderly. For many, it’s a mentally-soothing color.

What’s your ideal color scheme?

Your website’s color scheme matters. However, be careful when using colors that match your brand’s design. Sometimes brand colors don’t make great website colors. Although, most colors can be used in ways that don’t disrupt a visitor’s ability to read your copy. This will require a skilled graphic designer to get it right.

Your color scheme should also be consistent with your overall design. A common mistake is to use a light background with dark text. This can make your website hard to read, and it’s not very user-friendly. Instead, try using a dark background with light text, or vice versa.

Another thing to focus on is the “call to action” button. This is the button that you want visitors to click on when they’re ready to take action. The color of this button should stand out from the rest of your website’s colors. It should be bright and easy to spot. A good rule of thumb is to make this button at least twice as big as the other buttons on your website.

For example, T-Mobile’s colors are magenta and gray, but magenta isn’t the ideal color for copy. If you browse their official website, you’ll notice that magenta is used sparingly as button backgrounds, high-contrast content backgrounds, and occasional headings. You won’t see large blocks of magenta text.

4. Your typeface

Have you heard of the “Baskerville Effect?” It’s an interesting phenomenon discovered in 2013 by a documentary filmmaker named Errol Morris. Morris showed people different versions of a short text, all set in the same typeface. But in some of the versions, the typeface was slightly altered. The participants were then asked to rate how persuasive they found the texts.

The results showed that the texts set in a slightly modified version of the Baskerville typeface were rated as more trustworthy and believable than those set in any other typeface. So what is it about Baskerville that makes it so convincing? And can other typefaces have a similar effect?

As a regular contributor to the New York Times, Morris published a survey entitled “Are you an optimist or a pessimist?” where he discussed an asteroid that recently passed close to Earth. The survey had two possible outcomes: either the asteroid would hit Earth, or it would miss.

Interestingly, when the survey was set in Baskerville, more people thought the asteroid would miss than when it was set in Times New Roman. This suggests that Baskerville has an optimistic, but unconscious bias.

While the Baskerville Effect is interesting, it’s important to remember that not all typefaces are created equal. In fact, some typefaces can have the opposite effect of Baskerville. For example, studies have shown that people are more likely to believe false information if it’s presented in a sans-serif typeface like Arial.

At the close of his article, Morris asked readers to review a brief passage from a book and then decide whether or not the passage was true. The passage was about a made-up event, and it was set in Baskerville.

Not surprisingly, people who read the passage were more likely to believe that the event actually happened than those who read the same passage set in Times New Roman. So while Baskerville may be a more trustworthy typeface, it’s important to be careful about what you believe when you see it.

In general, the Baskerville Effect shows that our perception of typefaces can have a significant impact on how we process information. So next time you’re looking for a typeface to use for an important project, keep in mind that your choice of particular font could make all the difference.

The passage came from a book titled The Beginning of Infinity, written by physicist David Deutsch. The passage talks about how Earth is unlikely to be destroyed by an asteroid because we “live in an era of unprecedented safety.”

The survey question Morris asked readers was, “Do you think Deutsch’s claim is true? Is it true that “we live in an era of unprecedented safety?” Then, the survey asked readers how confident they were in their conclusion.

More than 45,000 people participated in the survey. However, the survey wasn’t really about living in an era of unprecedented safety.

Morris discovered a typeface that altered perception of truth

Morris didn’t care whether people agreed or disagreed with the passage. He wanted to find out how a typeface could subconsciously alter a person’s perception of truth.

Morris found that the typeface people were looking at affected whether they believed a statement was true or false. People who looked at the more difficult to read typeface were more likely to believe statements that were actually false. In other words, the harder it was to read a statement, the more likely people were to believe it was true.

This finding has important implications for the way we communicate with each other. It suggests that the typefaces we use can influence the way we think and how we process information. So if you want someone to believe what you’re saying, make sure to choose a readable typeface!

The survey was randomly delivered to readers online in six different typefaces: Baskerville, Computer Modern, Georgia, Helvetica, Comic Sans, and Trebuchet. Analyzing the results showed that Baskerville generated the most agreement while Helvetica and Comic Sans produced the least agreement.

When it comes to the typeface you use, think carefully about the message you’re trying to communicate. The wrong typeface could cause your audience to misinterpret what you’re saying.

Baskerville is a font worth buying

If you want to subconsciously persuade your website visitors, publish your copy in the Baskerville typeface. If your site runs on WordPress, you can download a Google Fonts plugin and use one of two Google Fonts based on Baskerville: Baskervville and Libre Baskerville. Although these typefaces are free and easy, they differ slightly from the original Baskerville for written Content.

The original Baskerville typeface was created by John Baskerville in the early 1760s and released by the Birmingham-based typographer in 1769. The typeface is named after him. It was created at a time when many new typefaces were being designed and vying for attention.

Baskerville’s design was different from most of the other contemporary typefaces in several ways. First, the strokes of each letter were made thinner, especially at the ends. This helped increase the level of contrast between the thicks and thins, making the letters more legible overall. Second, he increased the space between lines of text, to help the reader’s eye move more easily from one line to the next. Finally, he made the serifs (the small features at the end of each stroke) more angular, which also aided in the overall legibility of the typeface.

While other typefaces of the time were designed for display purposes only, Baskerville’s was meant to be used for both body text and headlines. This made it much more versatile and useful for typesetting purposes.

Despite its utility, Baskerville’s typeface was not immediately popular. In fact, many contemporary reviewers criticized it for being too light and delicate. However, over time, as people became more accustomed to its unique look, the typeface grew in popularity. By the early 1800s, it was one of the most popular typefaces.

While it fell out of favor in the subsequent decades, Baskerville has experienced a resurgence in popularity in recent years. This is likely due to its classic, yet modern look. It is a great choice for website copy because it is highly readable and looks good on any valuable screen space.

If you want to use Baskerville on your website, there are a few different options available to you. You can buy the original typeface, which can be expensive. Alternatively, you can use one of two free Google Fonts based on Baskerville: Baskervville or Libre Baskerville. Both of these fonts are very similar to the original Baskerville typeface and offer high levels of readability.

Don’t bother searching for a free, authentic Baskerville download. Baskerville is a premium font. However, the Baskerville font family pack is affordable and worth every penny. There’s no guarantee that substitutes and “close” fonts will generate the same results.

The Baskerville typeface can increase your conversions

If you could automatically increase your conversions and sales just by changing your website’s typeface, what would that be worth to you? What if you could increase your base level of sales for under $100 just by switching your typeface to Baskerville?

The Baskerville typeface is one of the most famous and popular serif fonts. It was created in the 18th century by John Baskerville, a British typographer, printer, and entrepreneur. The font is named after him.

Baskerville is a transitional serif typeface. Transitional serifs are between old style and modern style. They have some features of both. Baskerville has a high contrast between thick and thin strokes. The thin strokes are almost horizontal. The thick strokes are slightly angled inward. This makes the letters more readable on screen and at small sizes.

Baskerville is a versatile typeface that can be used for both body copy and headlines. It’s a great choice for any website that wants to look professional and trustworthy. If you want to increase your conversions and sales, give Baskerville a try.

With a small, one-time investment, you can gain a fundamental, effortless, long-term advantage over your competition.

Why not give Baskerville a try today and see how it increases your website’s conversion rate? You might be surprised at the results.

Having a target audience is important for many websites. It allows website owners to determine what web content to produce and how to market their site. it would be difficult to generate traffic and conversions.

5. Your menu labels

When your menu labels are so unique that visitos don’t know where your links lead, that’s a problem. Would you click on a link titled “Lemongrass meadows” or “Just in thyme?” Perhaps you’d click if you were visiting a website selling loose leaf teas, but on any other website, these phrases would be confusing.

Creativity can backfire regarding menu labels. However, plain, boring menu labels don’t inspire more clicks.

The balance for menu labels is somewhere in-between. Some menu items shouldn’t be creative. For example, your “contact,” “products,” and “services” menu labels are best left plain. However, you can change other common menu labels.

For example, you can set your blog menu label as:

  • Resources
  • Articles
  • News
  • Posts
  • Learning Center
  • Insider News
  • News Bulletin
  • Industry Updates
  • Resource Hub

These words aren’t overly creative, but they’ll maintain the integrity of the destination while giving visitors a better word than “blog.”

You might have other link destinations that can be named creatively. For example, if you own a circus, you can create a menu label titled “My circus, my monkeys.” As long as your creative menu labels are related to your content, you can get as creative as you like.

6. Your link underlines

The standard website link appears blue with a thin underline. This has been the standard since the internet was created. However, most people would agree that blue links are boring.

Although the standard blue links are recognizable, they’re so common they don’t stand out anymore.

Thankfully, you don’t need to follow the old standard to get people to click on your links. In fact, you can get more clicks by being a little more creative with your link style. As long as your links remain underlined and the color doesn’t make your copy hard to read, you can style your links any way you like.

One way to display your links is to create a CSS class that eliminates the standard anchor text underline and instead, and adds a thick, 2-to-3-pixel bottom border in the same color.

You can also use two new CSS properties to create a more authentic underline. For example, the text-underline-offset and text-decoration-thickness properties give you complete control over the thickness and location of your underline.

7. Your logo (or lack of a logo)

If you can’t come up with a simple logo, it might be better not to display your logo on your website at all. Sometimes complicated logos can make people feel weird about doing business with a brand. For example, if your logo looks like scratchy clipart, you’ll lose people. On the other hand, a simple but elegant logo can make people want to work with you because it looks professional.

Your website should be designed so that your logo is prominently displayed on every web page. This will help people remember your brand and associate it with positive feelings. If you have a good logo, use it! If not, consider ditching it altogether.

Have you ever noticed that the most recognizable logos are usually simple? The largest brands in the world have logos that can be easily printed without any distortion. Most don’t have gradients or intricate lines. Why? Because simple logos are easy to remember. And when people see your logo, you want them to think of your brand in a positive light.

If you have a complicated logo, it might be time for a rebrand. A professional designer can help you come up with a logo that is both simple and memorable. In the meantime, don’t use your complicated logo on your website – it will only hurt your brand.

Simple logos are more memorable and don’t take long for the brain to process. This means you’ll get a fast emotional reaction from people when your logo is simple, and that’s exactly what you want. When people see your logo, you want them to feel good about your brand. A simple logo will help you achieve that.

If you’re not sure whether or not your logo is simple enough, ask a friend or family member to take a look at it. If they can’t tell what it is within a few seconds, it’s probably too complicated.

The bottom line is this: if you want people to remember your brand, keep your logo simple. A complicated logo will only confuse people and make them less likely to do business with you. So if you don’t have a simple logo, now is the time to get one.

8. Featured images on your blog posts

Make every image count. Stock images might be free, cheap, and easy, but that doesn’t mean they’ll represent your blog posts.

Your blog’s featured images have the power to influence your visitors in whatever way you want. You can use & display large product images/visual elements to influence email signups, purchases, and even comments.

Be mindful when selecting your featured images for your blog posts. At the very least, use images that will inspire your visitors to keep reading & avoid site loads slowly .

Your website is your strongest marketing asset

Your website has the potential to reach thousands of people all across the world. It’s the best marketing asset you could ever create.

Did you build your own website and are now wondering how you can get more sales and conversions? It might be time to have a professional developer turn your website into a stronger marketing asset.

Most websites have a landing page that is the first thing that visitors see when they arrive. The purpose of a landing page is to give visitors a brief overview of what the site is about and why they should stay. A good landing page will have a clear call to action, such as “sign up now” or ” learn more.”

At, our team of expert website designers and developers specialize in revamping existing websites to turn them into sales-and-lead-generating assets. If your website is ready for an upgrade, contact us today for a free quote.

User’s experience is important for every website. A well-designed website will offer a user experience that is both enjoyable and easy to use. Poorly designed websites can be frustrating to use and may even cause users to give up and leave the site altogether. Good user’s experience is essential for ranking higher in search engines, keeping visitors engaged with your website and ensuring that they continue to come back.

There are a number of factors that contribute to UI, including modern website design, navigation, content, and user interaction. Each of these elements must be well-thought-out and executed in order to create user satisfaction. Modern Website design is one of the most important aspects of user experience.

Key website elements to consider while designing a website

There are many different design elements that can make a modern website look great. However, not all modern website design element are created equal. Some of the best design elements for modern websites include:- A clean and simple layout: This is one of the most important aspects of modern website design. A clean and simple layout helps to make your site more user-friendly and easy to navigate. It also gives your visitors a better user experience overall.- Minimalist design: A minimalist approach to design can help to make your site more streamlined and efficient. This type of design eliminates unnecessary distractions and focuses on the core content of your site.- Responsive design is essential for modern websites.

This type of design ensures that your site is accessible and easy to use on different devices, including (mobile devices) mobile phones and tablets.- High-quality visuals: High-quality visuals are another important element of modern website design. Your site should feature clear and concise images that are easy to understand.

Additionally, your visuals should be optimized for all devices.- User-friendly navigation: Navigation elements are one of the most important aspects of modern website design. Your site should be easy to navigate and user-friendly. Visitors should be able to find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

If you want your modern website to stand out from the crowd, it is essential that you focus on these key design elements. By doing so, you will give your visitors a better user experience.

Website Design

As a Modern web design, you have the important task of creating websites that not only look good, but are also easy to use and navigate. In order to do this, you need to have a strong understanding of both modern website design and user experience (UX) principles. User experience is all about how a person feels when using a website.

When it comes to modern website design elements that can really help to set your site apart from the rest. Here are just a few of the most important modern website design elements :- Responsive design: A responsive design is absolutely essential for any modern website.

As website visitors become more sophisticated, modern web design must evolve to meet their needs. This means creating websites that are not only visually appealing, but also easy to use and navigate.

Some of the most important elements of modern web design include:- A clean and simple layout: Visitors should be able to understand your website at a glance, without being overwhelmed by too much information.- Easy navigation: Users should be able to find what they’re looking for quickly and easily.


Mobile friendly website layouts are becoming increasingly popular as people use their mobile devices more and more to access the internet. If you’re looking to create a mobile friendly website, there are a few things you need to keep in mind for mobile friendly website layouts. First, your layout should be simple and easy to navigate. Second, your content should be easy to read on a small screen. And third, your website should be designed to load quickly on mobile devices.

When it comes to modern web design, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Every website is different and needs to be designed with its own unique goals and audience in mind. However, there are a few general tips that can help you create a mobile friendly website layout.

What about any design elements?

Modern website design elements

Modern website design elements can help you create a site that looks fresh and modern. Including items like flat design, large images, and minimalism can give your site a cutting edge look that will set it apart from the rest. By using these modern design elements, you can create a website that is sure to impress your visitors.

Design elements

There are a few design elements that you should keep in mind when creating a website. First, use colors that complement each other and are easy on the eyes. Second, use fonts that are easy to read. Third, make sure your design is responsive so it looks good on all devices. Fourth, use images that are relevant and high quality. Fifth, use whitespace to give your design some breathing room. Lastly, keep your design simple and uncluttered for the best results.

Web design element

A web design element is any part of a web page that can be customized or altered. This includes everything from the overall layout to individual graphic elements. Web designers use a variety of techniques to create modern web design elements that are both visually appealing and user-friendly. Some of the most common modern web design elements include graphics, colors, fonts, and layouts.

When it comes to creating a web design that is both aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly, web designers must carefully consider all of the different web design elements. The best web designs incorporate a variety of web design elements in order to create a balanced and cohesive look. However, it is important to note that too many modern website design elements can actually make a website appear cluttered and confusing. As such, the website builder must exercise care when selecting which web design elements to use on their multiple pages.

Modern web design

Modern web design techniques can help you create a site that is both visually appealing and easy to use. By keeping the users attention focused on the right things, you can ensure that they will stick around long enough to gain valuable information from your site. Additionally, using modern techniques can help you avoid intrusive advertising and make sure that your content is engaging and informative. With these tips in mind, you can create a website that users will love coming back to again and again.

Users Attention

The users attention is important for any website. If you want people to stay on your site, you need to make sure that their attention is focused on the right things. This means having a well-designed layout that is easy to navigate, and making sure that the most important information is always visible. Additionally, you should avoid using too much pop-up advertising, as this can be very intrusive and annoying. Finally, remember that users are more likely to stay on a site if they feel like they are getting something out of it, so make sure your content is interesting and informative.


A responsive website is a site that is designed to respond to the needs of its visitors. It adapts its content and layout elements to fit the visitor’s device, whether it be a desktop computer, a tablet, or a smartphone.

This ensures that everyone who visits the site has a positive experience & search engine optimization, no matter what type of device they’re using. responsive websites are essential in today’s world, where more and more people are accessing the internet on their smartphones and other mobile devices.

If you want to ensure that your website is responsive and accessible to all, then you need to make sure it is designed with a responsive modern website design. With responsive web design, your site will be able to provide an optimal experience for everyone who visits it.

Timothy Carter
Chief Revenue Officer

Timothy Carter is the Chief Revenue Officer. Tim leads all revenue-generation activities for website design and web development activities. He has helped to scale sales teams with the right mix of hustle and finesse. Based in Seattle, Washington, Tim enjoys spending time in Hawaii with family and playing disc golf.

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